Issue 10

Two years plus and counting, and Lunaris Review continues to ride with full sails, aiming for a crest never static, whose bar is continually on the rise. This of course is the burden we have been charged with: of performing literary service in and to a generation with an ever increasing appetite for knowledge, literary content, and art. Our purpose has always maintained its intersect with that antediluvian charge of pedagogical implications: entertaining, humanising, and enlightening. And we make bold to say, in that regard, Lunaris Review has never faltered.

In continuance of a tradition of meeting high and equally informed expectations of a body of enthused readers, Lunaris Review adds another installment to the collection. 9 issues, 3 years shy of a few weeks, Lunaris Reviews’ Issue 10 comes at a much desired time. Rather than begin by highlighting the highpoints of the Issue alongside editorial comments as is the Lunaris way, we decided to allow our readers take delivery of the literary contents absent any form of editorial prompt on our part. This is done with the hope that you are shocked, drawn in, and arrested by well-crafted pieces that make no pretentions to what they truly are: brilliance. You are assured of an immensely pleasurable reading.

Although Issue 10 comes at a much later date compared to its scheduled release in this calendar year, it isn’t without reasons, and adequate ones at that. On our own side, the Lunaris Team has undergone certain changes—both in personnel and logistics. These changes also transcended into the technical. We have acquired a new domain; have a new interface and new emails. (You would have to thoroughly peruse the site to have a handle on the new categories and their mode of operations and utilities.) We also have a new site, a Mother-site, to which Lunaris Review, as a periodical journal belongs as a working part of many. We implore that you bear these few but highly significant changes and whatever disruptions they may cost, at first.

They are very germane and vital to our mandate and aim to offer you the best of services always. These changes are the reasons why we had to delay the release of Issue 10 from its scheduled time.

Our deepest apologies go to contributors and readers who have been awaiting the release of this Issue and to see the Lunaris Review up and running. Your wait has not been in vain, and we appreciate your readership.


Damilare Bello,
Managing Editor